Local History
Since 1957.
The first Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Green Bay was disbanded by Bishop Paul P. Rhode when the Green Bay Diocesan Apostolate (now Catholic Charities) came into being. The bishop felt that this organization could do the work of caring for the poor. But in 1957, Bishop Stanislaus V. Bona decided the Society was necessary in the Green Bay area. Three parish units, or conferences, were needed to make up a Council. With efforts by St. John the Evangelist, Annunciation, and St. Francis Xavier Cathedral the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Green Bay was formed once again.
Members from St. John's had heard about St. Vincent de Paul stores around the country and approached the membership with the idea of opening a store in Green Bay.
The first St. Vincent de Paul store was located in the 600 block of Main St. It was very small and humble beginning. Local business men Al Osterman, owner of Bay Construction Co., and George Bell sought out a new space and landed on a building that was formerly occupied by the Gazette Candy Co. The space at 824 Main Street would be come the new store. The rent was $35 per month. Harry Conlon, who was sales manager for Cobb's Bakery, donated an old bakery truck. The store's first inventory was 150 chairs purchased from the Catholic Woman's Club.
Tragedy struck on a cold February morning in 1965 when a fire claimed the building and forced the store to find a new home. It was temporarily housed in Harrison Hanson's building on the corner of Main and Webster, but the need for a new building was apparent.
Al Osterman, who was ready to retire, sold his heavy equipment storage facility to the Society, at 1600 N. Webster Ave. With insurance money from the fire, the Society was able to purchased additional lots.
In a grand opening ceremony, Bishop Bona blessed the store at 4:00 p.m. on Friday September 24, 1965.
The store continued to grow, as did the Society, adding many new conferences through the 1970s and ‘80s. As the Society grew, so did its service to the poor of Brown County.
On November 8, 1990, Everett Johnson and Carl Farah presented a new project to the District Council. A proposal was submitted to purchase 4 houses to be used for interim housing. Main support for the program would come from St. Vincent de Paul.
In March of 1991 ballots were cast regarding the housing project. On a vote of 11 yay and 9 nay, the project was approved. In May of that same year the bid made for the four houses located at Webster and Doty Street was accepted. This program was called De Paul Homes & Shelters.
In September of 1991 came another milestone - the opening of the new store in which St. Vincent de Paul is housed today.
St. Francis Xavier Cathedral - Photo by Rick Evans, 2008
Annunciation Parish. Photo: Quad-Parishes of Annunciation, St. Joseph, St. Jude & St. Patrick